Mole Removal: Understanding the Causes, Procedure, and Benefits

Mole Removal: Understanding the Causes, Procedure, and Benefits

Moles, medically referred to as nevi, are tiny; flat or raised; flesh-colored, brown, or black spots on the skin of varying sizes. They are recognized as small clusters of melanocytes that appear on the skin as imperfections or beauty marks.

Moles can develop on the skin due to several reasons like genetic makeup, hormonal fluctuations, age, and sun exposure. Generally, they are harmless and can appear anywhere on the body, be it face, neck, legs, arms, or back. But, when they appear unusual, look cosmetically odd, lead to distress, and cause irritation or pain, dermatologists recommend mole removal treatment in Bangalore.

This post focuses on varieties of skin mole removal techniques, used by dermatologists, and their procedures. You can even learn about the type of moles, the need for mole removal, the mole removal benefits, and more.

Types of Moles

Moles can be of various kinds based on the cells they are made of, their appearance to the naked eye or through a dermatoscope, and their cause. A dermatologist suggests a suitable mole removal method only after examining the moles and knowing their type.

Some of the mole types are:

  • Congenital moles- These moles develop at birth and may turn cancerous.
  • Acquired moles- These moles develop later in the life of an individual.
  • Compound moles- These are benign moles composed of cells from different skin layers.
  • Dermal moles- These are raised, flesh-colored, or brown moles that may have hairs on top.
  • Blue moles- These are benign, 2-5 mm bluish-black papules that commonly appear on the head, buttocks, or body extremities.

Popular Mole Removal Techniques

There are many mole removal options available including over-the-counter wart and mole removal cream/solution having acid that helps the mole wither off. However, it is recommended to go with professional mole removal treatment and get the suspicious moles screened for melanoma.

Here are two most sought-after professional mole removal techniques:

Laser Mole Removal

  • Laser Mole Removal is preferred for the removal of congenital, benign, large, flat, black, or brown moles that are not deep-seated on the face and chest. However, advanced Q-switched laser technology may be adept in treating deep-seated pigmented moles. Laser treatment for mole removal works by thermally breaking down the melanocytes that make up the moles. Its recovery time is typically 2-3 weeks.
  • Laser mole removal on the face targets precisely moles and causes minimal to no scarring. The procedure is quick and painless and associated with minimal side effects and risks. In a single session, multiple moles can be removed, even from hard-to-reach areas like the eyes, nose, and others.

Surgical Mole Removal

Deep-seated moles or suspicious/cancerous moles can most effectively be removed with surgery. The surgical mole removal treatment techniques include:

  • Surgical shave- In this treatment, a dermatologist utilizes a shaving blade to remove the upper layers of the small, flat moles, without harming the skin underneath. There is a small mark left behind that fades out over time.
  • Surgical excision- This is a more extensive procedure, preferred for removal of raised, large moles. A dermatologist first numbs the area having moles and then cuts them out along with their surrounding tissues using a punching tool or a blunt knife. The surgical wounds are next closed with sutures. These sutures are removed after about a week of the surgery. The procedure can leave behind a visible scar. To manage the scar, further sessions of lasers are recommended to make the skin look even. Proper care should be taken of the mole removal scar and treated skin during recovery for quick healing.

Benefits of Mole Removal

People opt for skin mole removal to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Freedom from skin irritation or discomfort due to friction or clothing
  • Improved appearance and comfort 
  • Skin cancer detection and avoidance of the spread of cancer
  • Hygiene
  • Peace of mind.

Precautions Before and After Mole Removal

Pre-treatment care

Dermatologists provide detailed pre-treatment care instructions to ensure safe mole removal that yields optimal results as per the chosen modality.

General, pre-treatment care instructions include:

  • Inform the dermatologist if having any allergies or conditions and current medications/supplements intake
  • Avoid the application of any harsh skin products 
  • Have a healthy lifestyle routine and maintain skin hygiene.

Aftercare for Mole Removal Treatment

Dermatologists provide extensive post-care guidance as per the chosen procedure to expedite the smooth healing of mole removal scars and reduce downtime.

Generally, after a mole removal, dermatologists recommend the following:

  • Gently clean the wound with dilute hydrogen peroxide and clean water twice daily. For a few days, the wound should be covered in a sterile bandage to avoid infection.
  • Apply prescribed ointment.
  • Protect the treated area from sun and environmental pollutants.
  • Avoid picking the scabs and any irritants.
  • Do not miss a follow-up visit to a dermatologist.
  • Have a healthy diet and drink sufficient water daily.

FAQs on Mole Removal

Is Mole Removal Painful?

No. Thanks to modern-day aesthetic techniques, patients feel no pain at all during their mole removal. If fearing pain, local anesthesia can be provided to ensure an overall, comfortable experience of mole removal. However, you can expect slight, temporary post-mole removal discomfort.

How To Remove Flat Moles?

Flat moles can be removed with IPL laser therapy or cryotherapy.

Is It Bad to Remove a Mole?

Moles are harmless in most cases so their removal isn’t advised due to potential side effects. But if moles look suspicious or have affected the skin’s aesthetics, self-mole removal is bad. Mole concerns should only be addressed by a dermatologist.

How To Remove Moles from Face?

There are many ways available with a dermatologist including shave excision, surgical excision, cryotherapy, electrosurgery, radiofrequency ablation, and laser removal. The best option can only be found by consulting a dermatologist.

How To Remove Black Moles from Your Face?

You should not try removing black moles from your face at home instead see a dermatologist. A dermatologist will examine your black mole and if necessary, remove it with the right procedure.

Do Moles Come Back After Removal?

It's uncommon for moles to return after removal. The likelihood of moles showing up again on the skin depends on the mole type, individual skin characteristics, and whether there is partial mole removal.

Get in Touch with Mole Removal Doctor in Bangalore

If your noticeable skin areas are covered with a large number of moles, you definitely would seek clear, aesthetic skin. For that, you need to consult a qualified, experienced dermatologist and undergo a safe mole removal. A dermatologist might even recommend you for a mole removal if your moles are showing unusual changes in appearance and feel.

There are various safe and effective mole removal methods available from a dermatologist, offering many benefits. A dermatologist first performs a thorough examination of your moles and then suggests the right treatment plan. In Bangalore, you can unveil mole-free skin with the expertise of top-notch cosmetic dermatologists at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic without straining your budget.

Book a consultation for mole removal today!