Understanding Hormonal Acne: Insights from Dermatologists

Understanding Hormonal Acne: Insights from Dermatologists

Do you think you have encountered stubborn, hormone-fuelled acne? How can you be sure of it? Well, you need to have a proper detailed understanding of hormonal acne beforehand. This includes all about hormonal acne, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

A certified and experienced dermatologist or acne specialist, Dr. Rasya Dixit has provided insights on hormonal acne treatment in Bangalore and even suggests and executes the best hormonal acne treatment plan. So, enjoy reading, and don’t hesitate to contact us, if still unsatisfied with our piece of information.

What is Hormonal Acne?

Hormonal acne is a term not spoken or used by skin specialists or medical researchers but can be a part of most GOOGLE searches. It can simply be understood as acne linked to fluctuating hormones. It can affect adolescents and adults, irrespective of their gender, race, ethnicity, or skincare routine.      

Causes of Hormonal Acne

In general, acne breakout is the result of clogging of pores with extra sebum/oils, cell debris, dirt, and acne-causing bacteria.

Hormonal acne is mainly caused by and-rogen in excess. Androgen hormones pump up natural oils production, cause inflammation, and increase hair growth, thereby clogging the pores and contributing to acne.

Controllable hormonal acne causes include:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Use of comedogenic skin and hair products
  • A lot of physical and emotional stress
  • Intake of birth control pills.

Uncontrollable hormonal acne causes include:

  • Genetic predisposition to acne
  • Side effects of steroid use
  • Te-stosterone therapy
  • Natural hormonal changes at the time of puberty, menses, pregnancy, and menopause
  • Pre-existing medical conditions like PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome) and other metabolic conditions that lead to and-rogen excess.

Symptoms and Signs of Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne symptoms can be understood by learning about different types of acne lesions, ranging from mild to severe:

  • Whiteheads (white bumps on the skin created by closed, clogged pores)
  • Blackheads (black skin bumps created by opened, clogged pores)
  • Papules (small, red, raised skin of 2-5mm diameter)
  • Pustules (pus-filled papules)
  • Nodular acne (deep-seated, painful skin lumps)
  • Cystic acne (fluid-filled nodules).

 The signs of hormonal acne mostly show up on the cheeks but can even be present on lower facial areas- the jawline and chin. Other areas include neck, shoulder, chest, and back. Cystic lesions are common and there is monthly cyclic worsening of acne.

Diagnosis of Hormonal Acne

To diagnose hormonal acne, a hormonal acne dermatologist expert conducts a thorough physical examination to take a close look at the acne and assess its causes. Sometimes, blood tests for acne- cause identification are ordered. A dermatologist confirms hormonal acne after discussing with the patient his/her sleep habits, current intake of medications, lifestyle habits, skincare routine, and current health status. 

Treatment Options for Hormonal Acne

There is no single best treatment for hormonal acne. Different hormonal acne treatment options work by reducing sebum production, reducing painful inflammation, and unclogging pores. Hormonal acne treatment plan is as per the chosen dermatologist and may include any of the following:

  • Topicals like reti-noid, benzoyl peroxide, and/or antibiotics for both non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne
  • Oral corticosteroids, antibiotics, and isotretinoin
  • Comedone extraction
  • Steroid injection (for cystic acne)
  • Spiro-nolactone (an anti-and-rogen therapy)
  • Birth control pills (to reduce and-rogen levels)
  • Cosmetic procedures like laser/light therapies which help reduce sebum production and heat kill acne-causing bacteria and chemical peeling to exfoliate the skin, thereby unplugging the pores

Dermatologists’ Insights on Managing Hormonal Acne

A dermatologist can provide comprehensive guidance on managing hormonal acne. Dermatologists' tips on managing acne caused by hormonal shifts include:

  • Dermatologists recommended acne treatments and a professional level of holistic, customized skincare
  • Lifestyle modifications
  • Skincare for hormonal acne.

Preventing Hormonal Acne

It’s not possible to completely avoid hormonal acne breakouts. But people can still prevent hormonal acne by trying out things that can reduce the chances of hormonal acne's repeated occurrence. These include:

  • Following hormonal acne diet plan.
  • Practicing daily skincare for acne-prone skin.
  • Having a stress-free, healthy routine.

FAQs on Hormonal Acne

Can Stress Cause Hormonal Acne?

Yes. A stressed individual has more cortisol hormone in his/her body. High cortisol levels result in more androgen hormone production which further leads to excessive hair growth and oily skin, contributing to acne breakouts.

How Do I Know If My Acne Is Hormonal?

A dermatologist can help you recognize hormonal acne by its location, appearance, type, depth, and pattern of occurrence.

Can Diet Affect Hormonal Acne?

Yes, the intake of a diet with a low glycaemic index and a diet with more dietary fibers, anti-inflammatory foods, omega-3 fatty acids, and non-skimmed dairy may be good for hormonal acne.

How Long Does It Take to Treat Hormonal Acne?

After starting appropriate treatment, hormonal acne clearance from the skin of the sufferer can take a few days to even weeks. The exact time taken varies, based on the treatment provided and severity/type of acne. In any case, treatment should be continued and the patient should patiently wait to see clear skin.

Can Lifestyle Changes Help Reduce Hormonal Acne?

Yes, some lifestyle modifications like switching to healthy eating, getting sufficient well-rested sleep, doing regular exercises, drinking plenty of water, saying NO to smoking, alcohol, and drugs; and staying stress-free can all contribute to reduced occurrence of hormonal acne. 

When Should I See a Dermatologist for Hormonal Acne?

Seeing a dermatologist is advised if hormonal acne treatment in Bangalore is persistent or getting worse than before and any over-the-counter treatments, home remedies, and lifestyle changes are not helping out.

Acne can be triggered by a variety of factors. If one is looking for acne treatment, they can visit Dr. Rasya Dixit, who is a leading skin doctor for acne treatment in Bangalore. She provides advanced acne treatment and helps one to get healthy acne free and spotless skin. She also has advanced technology to treat acne at her clinic. Visit her for more details!