Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore
Facial Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation Treatment In Bangalore

Pigmentation Treatment Cost In Bangalore ranges From Rs. 3,850 to Rs. 8,500 per session

One of the signs of ageing of the skin is facial pigmentation. Often caused by a combination of sun exposure, and genetic and lifestyle factors, this can undermine confidence in a person. Pigmentation treatment in Bangalore includes the correct diagnosis of the primary condition causing the pigmentation, without which appropriate therapies cannot be directed. Let us see the common causes of facial pigmentation and their treatment options.


Melasma is a common skin condition represented by brown and black patches over the cheeks, nose, and forehead areas. Mostly seen in women of childbearing age, it has become increasingly common in men as well. It has been widely recognised as one of the most common reasons of facial pigmentation. 


Tanning or darkening of the skin in response to sun exposure is a common complaint of people who desire to remove tan to look brighter. This is especially more common in darker-skinned individuals who tan more than fairer-skinned individuals. The proportion of the tan sometimes does not depend on the duration of sun exposure, and some individuals may get severe tanning even after spending a few minutes in the sun. Treatments aimed at removing tan are successful only if the patient avoids further sun exposure till tan removal is complete. To read more about tan removal and other skin lightening procedures, skin whitening treatment.


Freckles or sunspots are tiny, brown or black pigment spots over the face, especially cheeks and nose, neck or arms. These spots are formed in response to sun exposure or UV radiation. These usually run in families and are seen in patients with fairer skin types. In some people, freckles are fewer in number and do not cause any visible pigmentation. However, in others, they may increase to cover the whole face. To read more about how to treat freckles, freckles.

Lichen Planus Pigmentosus

Lichen Planus Pigmentosus or Ashy dermatosis is a skin condition commonly affecting the face, neck and arms. It starts off as dark patches over the face, which join and involve the full face. The colour of the skin looks ashy or blue-black, and therefore the name of the condition. This condition is triggered by the use of PPD-containing hair dyes but has an auto-immune component as well. The pigment in this condition lies in the dermis and is enclosed in cells called melanophages. The condition is diagnosed by a skin biopsy, following which oral treatment and Q YAG laser treatments are effective in giving good clearance of pigment.

Reihl’s melanosis

In a country which is besotted with fairness, many use multiple creams and home remedies, which may sensitise the skin and cause a pigmentation called Reihl’s melanosis. This condition has to be treated by stopping all the creams and then treated with a QYAG laser.  

Acanthosis Nigricans

This is a skin change associated with weight gain, obesity and diabetes, but has become extremely common in patients with sedentary jobs. The skin gets thickened, especially around the eyelids, forehead and the areas around the mouth. This thickening of the skin gives the appearance of pigmentation. The treatment involves strict lifestyle modifications to help weight loss, along with chemical peels to reduce the thickness of skin. However, the cosmetic treatments are short-lived if weight loss is not attained.  

Perioral dermatitis

Pigmentation around the mouth is common in darker-skinned individuals. This could be caused by eczema or dermatitis which could be related to product use. The skin in the perioral area is sensitive and reacts to cosmetics. So, a good analysis should include patch testing for common allergens as well as a detailed cosmetic history. The treatment uses LED light in combination with Chemical peels or QYAG laser.  

Seborrheic dermatitis

A chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes scaling and pigmentation over the sides of the nose and under the lower lip, seborrheic dermatitis can cause sensitivity of the skin and present as a facial pigmentation. Associated dandruff, scaling over the chest and back, gives clues to this diagnosis. Treatment involves oral antifungal agents and creams. 

Addison’s disease

This is one of the medical conditions, which can present as a sudden onset facial and generalised hyperpigmentation, and needs blood tests to diagnose it. Treatment of the underlying medical condition helps alleviate the skin condition. 

Vitamin B12 deficiency

This vitamin deficiency presents as pigmentation over the knuckles as well as pigmentation around the mouth area, common in vegetarians and in individuals with PCOS. Diagnosis needs blood tests and treatment is relatively easy with vitamin B12 supplementation.

Pigmentary Demarcation Lines (PDL)

 PDLs are areas of abrupt transition from dark to light areas. Commonly seen in darker-skinned individuals, they can be seen on the face under the eyes and around the mouth. These can be treated well with a QYAG laser. 

 As the causes of facial pigmentation are many, it is important to diagnose the primary condition so correct treatment can follow. It is important to seek a dermatologist’s help to get to the correct treatment plan for Pigmentation treatment in Bangalore.

How much does pigmentation treatment cost in Bangalore?

The average pigmentation treatment cost in Bangalore ranges between Rs. 3850 to Rs. 8500 per session. 

  However, the cost varies based on the following:

  • the specific treatment recommended by the doctor, 
  • the severity of the pigmentation, and 
  • the number of sessions required.

To determine the exact cost, consult our dermatologist now!




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FAQs About Facial Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore

We like to assist our clients with a knowledgeable and in-depth collective approach to answer for all your queries and fears with our FAQ mega-base.

What treatment is best for pigmentation?

Several treatments like chemical peel, microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, lasers, etc. are available. The dermatologist will determine the best treatment based on the individual’s concerns and needs. 

Can pigmentation be removed permanently?

Yes. However, pigmentation treatment does not prevent further discoloration. So, if one continues with sun exposure, acne, or other environmental causes, one may need more treatment.

How many sessions are needed for pigmentation?

The depth and pigmentation type will determine the number of sessions required. Dermatologists normally recommend up to 6 sessions spaced 3-4 weeks apart to receive maximum results.

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